You might not know this but I did a short (I mean very short) qualification in music or sound or something like that, only a few modules it was mostly pointless. However I did take a few things away from it.
I remember on day one we watched several game play and theatrical trailers and wrote down what the music/sound made us feel and what it suggested. It was typically two completely contrasting games which were Borderlands and Dantes Inferno. In both examples the music reflected the topic and mood of the game so it could be viewed as well chosen (although the Damte's Inferno one gives me a headache). However Imagine the two pieces swapped over, completely different yes?
In each case the sound adds to the experience and tells us something additional about the scene. The Dante's inferno music creates drama and a sense of grandiose. The music in the borderlands trailer gives the player a sense of attitude and mood for the characters being introduced. You can tell from the comments underneath that the music for this was particularly well chosen.This might be a ridiculous example but I think the point is proven.
Another thing is that as human beings we are rather respondent to sound. Music for example evokes emotions in everyone and people attach themselves to it. I don't think I know a single human being that doesn't like music. Some music can even cause deep emotions in us in and good sound directors and composers will use this to complement and if they are good make the scene.
One particular example sits in my mind and that was the original release trailer for Dead Island. The visuals are definitely stunning but its the music that really sets it off and makes it emotional. I remember viewing this for the first time in a lesson with all my classmates and when it had finished we all just said there in silence. Its still an amazing trailer two years later, shame the game was a steaming pile of crap. Try watching it without the sound or a different song.
Although all I have mentioned up to now is trailers; sound and sound effect play a vital role in game play as well as cut scenes. A great example of this is Silent Hill. I have played these games since I was a child and the sound has been so well embedded in my mind that as soon as hear static from a radio or an air raid siren my hair stands up on end. The composer of the majority of the silent Hill games is greatly applauded in both his field and by fans. When Silent Hill downpour was released the new composer was celebrated for his ability to recreate the much loved composers work
Survival horror as a genre heavily relies on sounds to portray fear even if that sound is just silence. Why do you think that some peoples reaction to a scary movie or game is to cover their ears? I think its because sound can give something a sense of realism of three dimensionality. The more senses a game or film can address the more it can immerse the player or viewer. Many "4D" cinema experience have popped up all over the globe in theme parks and have proven to be rather popular. Although I have no idea how they could reproduce the experience for a player at home.
I think as artist we tend to believe that visuals are the most important aspect of anything. However human beings as a whole tend to be excited by things that are as close to reality as possible (with a bit of excitement of course) something we can feel and believe in. Sound is a very important part of that as it is a strong medium to communicate to people in. (How many time have you heard "it's not what you said its the way that you said it) People are very sensitive to sound and can react to it emotionally and out of impulse. It can be used to create atmosphere ambiance, it can be used to determine pace or tell you something you can't see, it reaches out to the player on another level. Sound can be such a subtle and powerful tool depending on how you wield it. Therefore it should never be underestimated or taken for granted as it can make or break a game.
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