Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Formative feedback

So earlier this month I had my formative feedback session; which I have to be honest I was absolutely bricking it. I was having a pretty rubbish time then and there was A LOT of negativity and snidey remarks going around. And I kind of wanted to just curl up in my bed and watch QI all day.

BUT it went well. Better than ever before anyway. All of my grades have either gone up or stayed the same; which is good. Not to mention all of the comments made about improvements to my work seemed possible. Like I could actually do them. In my first year it felt like all the things I had to improve on were impossible, but this year I feel like I can do them and get better so... that's just what I'll do.
To be honest this all came as a shock to me as I felt like I was doing terribly. And it REALLY cheered me up when I was in a really negative time.So when you have an up, enjoy it because you never know how long it will last. So yeah I felt like this ..

And of course the moment I came out of that session feeling good about myself there always one prick that's like LOOK AT MY GRADES THERE SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOURS. And to be honest I couldn't give a damn because its not relevant to me how you are doing; not to mention you are only saying this to me to bring me down. What matters to me is that I'm constantly improving and as long as it keeps going that way I'll be happy. :D

Oh and haters/egotistical/insecure people...


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