The group project is over, thank Christ. Although it was a rather stressful time I have mixed feelings about it coming to an end. I did really enjoy working with certain people and it was great to help them learn new skills and grow as artists. I am proud of the work that we did and feel that we could not have produced work to the same quality if we had worked separately. I feel that overall the project was a success, although I can't help but regret the way things were left with certain team members.(I'm sure this will come up in team evaluation) However I realise if I want a career in management I'll have to let this go. Being a manager sometimes means that you will be hated and bitched about because some people just hate being told or even asked what to do. Theres nothing you can do about this, you just have to get on with the job at hand and make sure the project is done to the best it can be and on time.
All this said I am glad that I can have some time to get on with my own work now.
I've done some more brand ambassador work, which was fun, in fact it always is. It just confirms to me that I'm meant to be on the people side of things. I just really enjoy working with lots of different people. I love problem solving and being face to face with everything.
I've built up some contacts and started a LinkinIn, this might be old news for some but I recently updated it too. I've tried getting in contact with some old contacts too but we will see how it goes. I have a bit of a defeatist attitude about it at the minute as I tried searching for myself and had to go through 5 pages of Megan Rice's before finding me... I was even after my sister! SHE HAS A DIFFERENT NAME TO ME AND STILL COMES UP BEFORE ME! oh well I tried.
anddd I've finally regained a healthy diet and sleeping pattern.
Now all of this has been achieved I've got a little to do list on my hands.
1. Finish my Visual Design
2. Build my scene in UDK using all the assets I made for the group project.
3 Update my portfolio with said work.
4. Finish art test for apprenticeship (this one is first in priority order)
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