Saturday, 16 February 2013

Solitary Confinement more or less

So This week I have really been doing my best to get through the workload ahead and really putting the hours I should be. The group project has started and I am kind of enjoying it although I am aware if the  weight on my shoulders as team leader. I have been rather organised so far and we have had 2/3 meetings a week and we seem to be making some good progress. I am rather pleased with it at the moment, although I have some anxiety about the presentation next week. I have prepared a presentation and assigned various areas to most member in encourage them to speak but I hope they can deal with it. I have every belief that they can do it superbly I just hope they believe in themselves and their abilities. Wow that sounded deep.
Whenever I have time to myself at the moment I am working on other stuff catching up or improving stuff (hence the title). At the moment my friends are in disbelief in about the workload of the course but I'm pushing through. It irritates me that people think art students don't do any work... pfft.
Either way here's this weeks speedy, sticking with the still life objects I painted two coffee cups. I struggled with these at first as I find rendering high shine objects rather difficult in my style. However the more I worked into it the more convincing it got. I think with more time and pratice I will get the hang of it. In total this probably took 45 mins give or take. Not really sure if its an improvement since last week or not.. what do you think?

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