Somebody posted this on farcebook, I know its not work related but I
thought it was a nice thought, probably completely made up but hey :)
Good words for first and third years alike, we all have worries.
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to
an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be
asked the "half empty or half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: "How heavy is this glass of water?"
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.
She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how
long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold
it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my
arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass
doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She
continued, "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of
water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about
them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them
all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything."
It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the
evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through
the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!
So This week I have really been doing my best to get through the
workload ahead and really putting the hours I should be. The group
project has started and I am kind of enjoying it although I am aware if
the weight on my shoulders as team leader. I have been rather organised
so far and we have had 2/3 meetings a week and we seem to be making
some good progress. I am rather pleased with it at the moment, although I
have some anxiety about the presentation next week. I have prepared a
presentation and assigned various areas to most member in encourage them to speak but I hope they can deal with it. I have every belief that they can do it superbly I just hope they believe in themselves and their abilities. Wow that sounded deep.
I have time to myself at the moment I am working on other stuff
catching up or improving stuff (hence the title). At the moment my
friends are in disbelief in about the workload of the course but I'm
pushing through. It irritates me that people think art students don't do
any work... pfft.
Either way here's this weeks speedy, sticking with the still life objects I painted two coffee
cups. I struggled with these at first as I find rendering high shine
objects rather difficult in my style. However the more I worked into it
the more convincing it got. I think with more time and pratice I will get the hang of it. In total this probably took 45 mins give or take. Not really sure if its an improvement since last week or not.. what do you think?
So its been a while since i updated this with much of my course related work, Sorry bout that but I've been a little rushed off my feet. Here is a sample of some of the life drawings from the past couple of weeks. None of them are particularly masterful but I like to use Life Drawing as a way to try out different techniques and equipment. I have found recently our life drawing time slots have changed we used
to have a lot of long studies but recently its more about capturing the
form quickly this is why I have changed my approach. So far this term I have tried colour pencils, graphite sticks, charcoal pencil, fine liner pen and various mixtures of them. I am hoping to try water colours and thick charcoal again soon as I have seen some good results with them in the past.
sorta. I don’t know recently I have felt really pessimistic about
my work and work habits. I’m going to probably relate this back to my
recent personal problems. However today after a lot of battling I’ve
managed to get back into a better work flow. I’m hoping to catch up on
all the recent stuff that wasn’t up to scratch.
Talking about getting back into the habit here's this weeks speedy.
This one was just under 40 mins, I decided to do some still life
objects as it was something I was told I needed to improve on and after
building up my confidence with portraits I though it was about time.
I am most pleased with the skull but this is mostly likely because i
spent the most time on it. I went about painting this in a different way
that usual. I actually started by planning out the objects on the table
first, which shows I think. I used negative space to get a good feel
for the silhouette and shapes too. and didn’t start painting til I felt
relatively happy with the overall picture.
I am a little bit disappointed with the rendering techniques but I
suppose this is because of the time limit I set myself and how I
distributed my time. Although I didn’t enjoy this as much as my
portraits I am going to continue doing still life for a couple of weeks
in order to improve my rendering techniques. I will start to back up my
speedies with prelim sketches too.
I have always judged a televison programme by its opening credits
and I suppose you could say thats as bad as judging a book by its cover.
(just for the record I tend to do that too.) But because of this I have
a certain graditude when they are done well and one that has recently
caught my eye is the credits for Dexter.

It was created by Eric S. Anderson of “Digital Kitchen” the same people responsible for the credits to “True Blood” and “Six Feet Under” . Both of which are in the same style. Which I personally adore.
I find the opening to Dexter the most appealing because of the
strong, suggestive imagery involved. I think the way in which the
everyday morning routie can be made out to be some sort of sadistical
ritual is rather compelling. (Which you find out in the series is
Dexter’s sort of thing). I still sometimes find it hard to look at
without wincing no matter how many times I see it. (and nothing speaks
out to me as a strong piece more than being able to evoke an emotional
response from the audience.) The idea was based on the idea of crime
scence photography and moodboards were created of “normal things that
seem violent under greater inspection.” It just goes to show what
looking at things in a different perspective can achieve. I also find
the juxtaposition of the rather clumsy music with such a sharp piece of
film rather pleasing too.
so as the title suggests I have been having a bit of a hard time
this last couple of weeks. not just at uni though and lets leave it at
that. I mention this as I have found that it as had a bit of an impact
on my work. Last weeks speed paint was a bit.. lacking shall we say. I
only spent 30 mins on it as I really wasn’t enjoying myself. Here it is
I used a reference picture from my holiday pics from Rome hoping it
would inspire me like the trip did but to no avail. I outlines the main
highlights and shadows but it really needed more work to be.. well
Hoping i’m on the up curb of this slump now. I’m thinking the uni
side of things was caused our recent 3D project. I’m really disappointed
in myself and my poor time management i’m determined to not let it
happen again because it has such a poor effect on my morale. I din’t
handle my weakness well and put it off until it was too late, I should
know better. :/
Oh well learn from your mistakes :/